Readers 30 and over are saying…

I finished it in a day. I loved it. When is the next one coming out? Because I’m gonna need to get that.—Nicole Holloway, Baltimore, Maryland

I read the first few paragraphs, then had to run an errand. I kept thinking about the character and had to get back to it. It’s really good!Anne McKeirnan, San Diego, California

Engaging. It drew me in! And I like that the hero is a girl.Suzanne Fitzmaurice Osb, Kansas City, Kansas

Lovely and luminous. J.R. Schumaker is the real thing.Richard Lederer, San Diego, California, best-selling authorEnglish language expert, radio show host, and newspaper columnist over 1 Million books sold

It’s well-written, intriguing; good timing, story, and texture.Elissa Mendenhall, Portland, Oregon

Delightful! The language is beautiful. You see the pictures in your head as you read.—Paula Gonzales, Poway, California

I like that the protagonist is female. And the story more than fulfills the “Bechdel Test” in the first few pages.Walter G. Meyer, San Diego, CA, author of acclaimed novel, Rounding Third, and award-winning contributor to national magazines and news publications

So beautifully written. And it has that suspense; it creates that thrill. The action begins right away.Saroj Khanal, Toronto, Canada

It sucked me in! I love the dragon characters and the girl, and the story develops quickly. I really liked her interactions with the dragons.—Janet Myers, Carlsbad, California

What I love is how the action begins right away; you’re immediately swept up in the story.—Jerry Dilliard, Houston, Texas

Every time I thought I was going to read something I’ve seen before, it surprised me.—Kaarina Roebuck Scales, Escondido, California

With every new chapter, there is more magic. You can’t wait to read more.Max Disposti., Oceanside, California

The writing and the storyline have an “epic” feel.—Abby Dorsey, San Diego, California

It grabs you right away. I wanted to keep reading. This is not a “male’s” or “female’s” book. It’s for everyone.Michael Scales, Escondido, California

After reading the beginning, I already had questions I was bursting to find the answers to.Diana Shenefelt McHenry, Ames, Iowa

I really like it—the story and the writing.Keith Pecha, Colorado Springs, Colorado

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